The personalised support in Crieff High school includes a number of programmes and targeted support delivered in the Support for Pupils department.
Attendance Plus
Attendance plus supports attendance and reintegration back to school for young people who, for various reasons, have struggled or are finding it difficult to attend school. There are individual and small group sessions running where young people can focus on catching up on class work and attaining qualifications through assessments. Young people are usually referred to attendance plus via their Guidance Teacher or Year Head. Pupil Support Teachers are in communication with class teachers to organise appropriate work, and young people are supported to work on this at their own pace, through workbooks or online materials. Young people have individual planning for their attendance and are able to access the Support Department through a separate entrance and work within the support department. This will support young people to be able to access mainstream classes.
This is an individual or small group support provision to help young people complete coursework and sit assessments to attain qualifications. Staff link closely with subject teachers and have a bank of coursework and qualifications based on a National 3 level and above for young people to access with them. Young people have their periods in Springboard built into their school timetable and are usually referred by their Guidance Teacher or Year Head.
Attainment Support
Attainment Support is for Senior Phase pupils who require additional support to attain qualifications out with a class setting. Staff link closely with Guidance Teachers, Year Heads and individual class teachers to provide individualised curriculum for each individual pupil. Achieving qualifications and improving attendance supports young people towards a positive destination.
Online Resources to Support Attainment
S1-S3: Digital learning from Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | e-Sgoil
S4-S6: Digital learning from Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | e-Sgoil
Senior Phase Study Support: Digital learning from Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | e-Sgoil
Scholar Website can be accessed via Glow. Each senior phase pupil has their own log in and password