Journey through school
A rough guide to a young person’s timeline through school, from P7 to S6, and key milestones within those years.
Tracking & Assessing Pupils’ progress and Planning Future Learning
Tracking and assessing pupil progress in Crieff High is carried out in a variety of ways. In classrooms, teachers regularly assess pupil work in order to plan next steps for their learning. This information is passed to Principal Teachers to enable interventions to take place to support individual pupils where necessary. Principal Teachers, in turn, are responsible for ensuring that tracking and assessment information is passed to the Support for Pupils department and to the SMT. The data gathered through working with pupils in classes is widely shared in school to ensure that staff have high quality information on the progress of pupils across the school; this information is passed to parents/carers via interim and full reports as well as by means of consultation evenings. Where a pupil is not reaching his or her potential the Support for Pupils department and SMT will invite parents/carers into school to discuss the best way forward to ensure that timely and appropriate interventions take place.
Pupil Progress and Reporting
Over the course of a session there are many opportunities for parents/carers to be given information on their young person’s progress in our school. On an informal basis we hold a weekly Parents’ Drop In Surgery on a Tuesday from 3.40pm until 5.00pm. This allows parents/carers to come to meet with Senior Management colleagues without the need for an appointment. Similarly our Support for Pupils department actively encourages parents/carers to contact them in order to get regular updates on how their young person is progressing. On a more formal level we offer parents/carers a variety of written reports in the course of the session. Each pupil is issued with interim reports and one full report which summarises progress made during the year. The interim reports follow an established pattern across all year groups. For example, in S1, S2 and S3 the interim report gives parents an indication of how well their young person is progressing in terms of effort, homework and behaviour. In S4/5/6 the interim report gives the same data alongside a comment on progress. This report also indicates a grade for what the pupil is likely to get at the final exam and a grade which shows where they are at the point of the report being issued. Parents/carers are invited to contact the school at any point during the report cycle if they need clarification or would simply like to discuss the next steps in their young person’s education.
Throughout a young person’s academic year there are planned opportunities to capture progress and attainment across their chosen subjects and share this with parents/carers. Through discussion with young people in PSU and PSE, targeted interventions also take place which allow young people to reflect on their learning and put in place strategies for improvement should this be required.
The Scottish Government’s lifelong learning strategy aims to ensure that everyone develops the attributes, knowledge and skills they will need for life, learning and work. The curriculum is all the experiences that are planned for learners to support the development of these skills.
The curriculum is structured around all the experiences that are planned as part of learning and teaching. This includes the curriculum areas and subjects, the school community and inter-disciplinary projects. By recognising and planning learning around different contexts and experiences, the curriculum aims to make better connections across learning.
The Scottish Government’s lifelong learning strategy aims to ensure that everyone develops the attributes, knowledge and skills they will need for life, learning and work. The curriculum is all the experiences that are planned for learners to support the development of these skills.
The curriculum is structured around all the experiences that are planned as part of learning and teaching. This includes the curriculum areas and subjects, the school community and inter-disciplinary projects. By recognising and planning learning around different contexts and experiences, the curriculum aims to make better connections across learning.
Curriculum for Excellence
The Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) is the national curriculum used from nursery to secondary school. It was implemented in 2010.
It comprises a broad general education up to the end of S3 (third year in secondary) followed by a senior phase of learning from S4 to S6. Emphasis is placed on inter-disciplinary learning, skills development and encouraging personal achievement.
CfE is intended to foster four capacities in all young people:
Education Scotland oversee the implementation of the curriculum. You can find out more on Education Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence section.
Broad General Education S1-S3
There are eight curriculum areas: expressive arts, health and wellbeing, languages (including English, Gàidhlig and Gaelic learners and modern languages), mathematics, religious and moral studies, sciences, social studies and technologies.
Each curriculum area is planned using experiences and outcomes. These describe the knowledge, skills, attributes and capabilities of the four capacities that young people are expected to develop.
Curriculum for Excellence Benchmarks set out clear statements about what learners need to know and be able to do to achieve a level across all curriculum areas.
Learning in the broad general education may often span a number of curriculum areas (for example, a literacy project planned around science and technology might include outdoor learning experiences, research and the use of ICT). This is likely to be in the form of themed or project learning which provides children and young people opportunities to show how skills and knowledge can be applied in interesting contexts. The term often used for this is interdisciplinary learning.
Senior Phase : S4-S6
Pupils undertake a course choice during S3 and begin their S4 timetable in May of S3,
thus allowing them a full year to work towards National Qualifications (National 3,
National 4 and National 5).
Course choices also take place in S4 and S5
Course Choice Handbook 23-24 Parents and Carers
CHS Course Choice Form S3 into S4 2023_24 M
CHS Course Choice S4 into S5 2023_24 M
CHS Course Choice Form S5 into S6 2023_24 M
Course Choice 2025.26
Current subject areas
More information on course subject areas currently offered at Crieff High school can be found here
Family Learning
Please access our Familiy Learning Padlet through this link –