Alison Walker

Alison Walker

Principal Teacher of Support (Guidance) - Barvick House

In addition to being head of Barvick House, Mrs Walker has the following Whole School Responsibilities:
- Careers
- Transitions
- University and College
- Career Ready

Sam Davidson

Sam Davidson

Principal Teacher of Support (Guidance) - Kelty House

In addition to being the head of Kelty House, Mr Davidson has the following Whole School Responsibilities:
- Improving Pupil Attendance
- Personal and Social Education (PSE)
- Pupil Achievements
- Personalised Support
- Partnerships

Ruth Paterson

Ruth Paterson

Principal Teacher of Support (Guidance) - Turret House

In addition to being head of Turret House, Ms Paterson has the following Whole School Responsibilities:
- Rights Respecting School
- Anti-Bullying
- Wellbeing
- Young Carers