Welcome to our Course Subject page. Below you will find information on the subjects your young person will be offered during their journey through Crieff High School, along with National Qualifications that are offered in each area, and valuable links to each subject, so you can look at the content covered.
Music and Drama
Welcome to the Music and Drama Department. Our department consists of one music teacher, a very welcome array of visiting music specialists, and one drama teacher.
Miss D. Donaldson (Teacher of Drama)
Physical Education
The involvement of pupils in PE – both in the classroom and through the wealth of extended-curricular opportunities – helps boost confidence and self-esteem, encouraging teamwork, whilst at the same time developing their physical, mental, social, cultural and moral skills. We aim to develop all students’ physical competence and confidence, and their ability to use these qualities to perform in a range of activities.
Mr G. Aitken (PT)
Mrs S. Innes
Mr G. McIntosh
Ms R. Ogilvie
Mr N. Keiller (Active Schools Co-ordinator)
Exercise and Fitness Leadership NPA Level 6
Community Sports Leader Award
Sport & Recreation
The Science faculty promotes learning through a diverse range of activities with firm foundations in practical investigation. We encourage learning in seven fully equipped modern teaching laboratories to develop knowledge and skills, fortunate to be very well supported by the technician team. We meet the learning and teaching needs of the three main science disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics to pupils at all levels.
Mrs J. Finlayson (PT)
Mrs L. Potter (PT)
Mrs L. Ansley (Biology)
Mrs R. Gallagher (Physics, Chemistry)
Mr G. Grant (Physics)
Mrs J. Grant (Physics)
Mr I. McKenzie (Chemistry, Physics)
Mr M. Power (Chemistry)
S1 Science Topics (carried out on a rotational basis) : Chemical changes | Electricity | Health, microbes and disease | Heat and Energy | Human body | Properties of substances| Laboratory Science
S2/3 Sciences
Laboratory Science SfW National 5
Biology : National 4 | National 5 | Higher |Advanced Higher (SQA Qualification link)
Chemistry : National 4 | National 5 | Higher |Advanced Higher (SQA Qualification link)
Physics : National 4 | National 5 | Higher | Advanced Higher (SQA Qualification link)
Art and Design
Miss M Johnstone (Acting PT)
Mrs K Wilson
Miss S Maclean
Courses offered:
S1-3 BGE Art and Design
Senior Phase N4/5 Art and Design
Advanced Higher Art and Design
Level 5 NPA Drawing Skills
Wider Achievement – Level 5 NPA Photography ‘People and Places’
Mr S. Barlow (PT of Technologies)
Mrs L. Birrell
Mr A. Munro
Ms L. Turnbull
Courses offered:
S1-3 BGE Craft, Design and Technology
Design and Manufacture: Senior Phase N4/5, Higher, Adv Higher
Graphic Communication: N4/5, Higher, Adv Higher
Modern Languages
Welcome to the Modern Languages Department!
At present we offer two languages:
- French
- Spanish
Mrs C. Mendez (PT)
Mr S. Hogarth
Curriculum for Excellence:
Pupils are taught using the Curriculum for Excellence Experiences and Outcomes.
- Broad General Education (S1-3) – Junior Stage
- Senior Phase (S4-6)
- Modern Languages Award
Wider Achievement
We aim to support all pupils, regardless of perceived ability, to consistently make progress and achieve in mathematics. Mathematics is not only a subject to be valued in its own right, but also in its contribution and application across other subjects and areas of life. We aim to help develop this essential tool, and the different skills which it affords, which are sought after in the modern world. Pupils are set high expectations and encouraged to actively participate in class, and in wider areas to enhance learning such as challenges and the Senior Personal Finance course.
Mrs J. Knak (PT)
Mrs M. Adam
Mrs J. Calder
Mr P. Mayne
Mrs K. Sorley
Mrs M. Warren
BGE Mathematics S1-3
Numeracy (S2/3)
SQA National Qualifications link(S4-S6):-
Applications of Mathematics National 4
Home Economics
Home Economics is concerned with using and managing resources for the benefit of individuals, the family and society. It makes a significant contribution to the technological capabilities and experiences of all students, regardless of ability and gender, whilst promoting creativity, aesthetic appreciation and personal and social development.
Throughout their career in the subject pupils shall have an opportunity to develop problem solving and managerial skills through the highly applicable mediums of Food, Textiles, Consumer Issues, Money Management and Design. They shall be expected to work both independently and as part of a team, managing themselves and the time available to them. The specialist craft skills and subject specific knowledge which they shall develop forms the core of their learning.
Home Economics promotes Good Health.
Miss S. McCully (PT)
Mrs M Osei Agyemang
Health and Food Technology Nat 4
Health and Food Technology Nat 5
Health and Food Technology Higher
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies & citizenship
We aim to provide a varied and engaging curriculum which enables learners to explore a range of diverse ideas, cultures and beliefs, allowing them to develop their own fact-based conclusions and opinions. Engagement in the YPI programme and Holocaust Studies further serves to enhance learning.
Whilst aiming to develop understanding and compassion towards others we also prepare young people for life and work beyond school. The key skills of critical thinking, analysis, evaluation, debate, questioning, detecting bias, organising and presenting information are not only integral to the study of RME/RMPS but are also skills for life-long learning and the world of work.
Mrs J. Petrie (PT)
Mr M. Young
Core RME : S1- The Natural World – What is a Human Being? Why is the world so unfair?, Does God exist? / S2- Beliefs: Hinduism, Life after Death / S3- Moral issues: Assisted Suicide, Animals Rights and Organ Donation / S4- Capital Punishment and Racism / S5- Cults and Working With Others / S6 – Holocaust Studies
Nat 4/5 RMPS: (SQA Qualifications link) / World Religion: Islam / Morality and Relationships or Morality, Medicine and the Human Body / Religious and Philosophical Questions: Origins
Higher RMPS: World Religion: Buddhism / Morality and Justice / Religious and Philosophical Questions: Origins
Adv Higher RMPS: Philosophy of religion / Medical Ethics
Citizenship S1- Sustainability, First Aid, Digital Citizenship / S2- YPI Award / S3- Employability Award
Digital Learning
Welcome to Computing
The area of Computing covers a wide range of topics and ideas that are transforming the way people, society and businesses operate. Developing the skills and knowledge to become computationally literate allows you to be able to take advantage of the many highly skilled and paying jobs there are in both the ICT sector and across all other types of businesses from banks to hospitals and from fashion to construction in Scotland and beyond.
Mr S. Barlow (PT)
Mr M. Wright
Mrs V. Russell
- S1 Computing
- S2/3 Technologies with a focus on Computing
Computing Science Advanced Higher
NPA Digital Creativity Level 4-6
English and Literacy
Welcome to the Faculty of English Literacy!
Within our faculty we develop the essential literacy and communication skills which underpin all learning, life and work. Our key aims are:
- to ensure that each young person reaches their highest potential
- to ignite a life-long love of literature and theatre arts
- to promote the health and well-being of the young people we teach
Ms S. Rennie (PT)
Mrs R. Craig
Mrs M. McIntosh
Mrs M. Wilkie
Dr M. MacLeod
Mr E Campbell
Our courses:
National 5 English Guide
Higher English Guide
Social Subjects
Within social subjects, children and young people will develop their understanding of the world by learning about other people and their values, in different times, places and circumstances; they also develop their understanding of their environment and of how it has been shaped. With greater understanding comes the opportunity and ability to influence events by exercising informed and responsible citizenship. (Education Scotland)
If you really want to change the world, you have to understand it’ Hans Rosling
Miss T. Logan (PT Social Subjects)
Miss S. Fitzsimon
Mrs M. Gilfoyle
Ms D. Wilson
BGE Geography
BGE History
BGE Modern Studies
S1 Learning about Scotland
People and Society
Modern Studies
SfW Travel and Tourism
SfW Retail
Check out the pupil timeline through school to get more information on when course choices will be made.