Course Choice 2025.26

S2 into S3 Course Choice Information

S3 is the final year of the Broad General Education phase of Curriculum for Excellence. As pupils prepare to move into S3, they have the opportunity to select subjects that they wish to continue to study. This degree of personalisation and choice is structured within curricular areas to maintain the principles of the Broad General Education.

Pupils will continue with English, Maths and will choose one subject from each of five curricular areas: Social Subjects, Modern Languages, Science, Technologies and Expressive Art. There are a further two choices to be made from the free choice column.

All pupils will also be timetabled for core subjects which include PE, RE, Citizenship and PSE.

Course Choice Schedule 2025

16th JanuaryCourse Choice Display at Parents’ Evening Information available on website.
Week com 20th JanuaryCourse choice forms handed out in PSE and discussion of course choice options/process.
Tues 28th JanuaryS2 Course Choice Interviews with guidance teacher  

Links to course choice documents below