Course Choice 2025.26

S3 into S4 Course Choice Information

In S3, pupils had the opportunity to select subjects that they wished to study from the main curriculum areas. Young people now have a further choice where they will continue with seven of the nine subjects they have been studying onto a qualification at a variety of levels from National 3, 4 or 5.

Pupils will continue with English and Maths and will choose any other five from their S3 subjects. All pupils will also be timetabled for core subjects which include PE, RE and PSE.

Course Choice Schedule 2025

22 JanCourse Choice Display at S3 Parents’ Evening Information available on website
Week com 27 JanCourse choice forms handed out in PSE and discussion of course choice options/process
28 JanCourse Choice parents’ evening & positive destination evening
Mon 3 FebS2 Course Choice Interviews with guidance teacher

Links to course choice documents below – click on relevant department to access information on courses available. Relevant subject level can be found on Course Choice Form if unsure.